This Policy Summary is not a contract of insurance. It outlines the cover under the policy.


Policyholder: Bike Alive Ltd

Insured Person(s): The person(s) having made a payment or on whose behalf a payment has been

made to the Policyholder for Package Travel or Linked Travel Arrangements. The Insured Person is

the beneficiary under this policy, but they are not a contracting party under this policy.

The insurance cover provided under this policy has been arranged for the Policyholder by

International Passenger Protection Ltd. Cover is provided by Liberty Mutual Insurance Europe SE

UK Branch, as the insurer.


This policy is underwritten by Liberty Mutual Insurance Europe SE through its United Kingdom


Liberty Mutual Insurance Europe SE UK Branch is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority

and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority

(registered number 829959). Liberty Mutual Insurance Europe SE UK Branch address is 20

Fenchurch Street, London, EC3M 3AW.

Liberty Mutual Insurance Europe SE trading as Liberty Specialty Markets, a member of the Liberty

Mutual Insurance Group. Registered office: 5-7 rue Léon Laval, L-3372 Leudelange, Grand Duchy of

Luxembourg. Registered Number B232280 (Registre de Commerce et des Sociétés). Liberty Mutual

Insurance Europe SE is a European public limited liability company and is supervised by the

Commissariat aux Assurances and licensed by the Luxembourg Minister of Finance as an insurance

and reinsurance company.



If you have booked Package Travel or Linked Travel Arrangements with the Policyholder then an

insurance policy has been arranged by the Policyholder at their expense in the event of their

insolvency. This insurance is for your benefit as the Insured Person(s).

For the purposes of this policy, Package Travel or Linked Travel Arrangements as defined in either

the UK Regulations 2018, Directive (EU) 2015/2302 or the law applicable to the country of

residence on Package Travel & Linked Travel Arrangements and booked through the Policyholder.


If the Package Travel or Linked Travel Arrangements booked through the Policyholder are cancelled

or are cut short due to the Policyholder becoming insolvent or having an administrator appointed and

being unable to provide agreed services, this insurance covers the Insured Person(s) for:

If Cancelled Before Departure:

Loss of either deposit(s) or the full price of the package travel or linked travel arrangements

paid in advance to the Policyholder.

If Cancelled After Departure:

Following any Package Travel or Linked Travel Arrangements being cut short, the provision

of assistance services and additional costs reasonably and necessarily incurred to enable the

Insured Person to return to the country of departure including, if necessary, the financing of

accommodation prior to the Insured Person’s return.


A. There is no cover under this policy for any claim or loss in anyway caused by or

resulting from:

1. War, civil war, invasion, hostilities or any similar acts or events, whether or not war has been


2. Rebellion, revolution, insurrection, military or usurped power.

3. Nuclear reaction, nuclear radiation or radioactive contamination.

4. Civil commotion assuming the proportions of or amounting to a popular rising riot,

strike, lockouts, martial law or the act of any person or authority to supress any of

the above.

B. There is no cover under this policy for any:

1. Travel arrangements not forming part of package travel arrangements or linked travel


2. Loss when the date of financial failure of the policyholder is before the start of the policy


3. Claim where the insured person(s) has already received reimbursement of their net

ascertained financial loss.


Notify IPP as soon as possible, quoting the name of the Policyholder and the reference TOFI UK

and giving full details of what has happened to:

Telephone: +44 (0)345 266 1872

Email: Insolvency-claims@ipplondon.co.uk

or online at https://www.ipplondon.co.uk/claims.asp

If the Insured Person is abroad at the time and does not wish to make their own arrangements to

get back to their country of departure then we will provide services to assist with their return to

their country of departure.

What You Must Do During A Claim

The Insured Persons and their representatives must:

1. co-operate fully with us and any other person or persons authorised by us in the investigation,

adjustment and/or settlement of any claim notified to us. That includes providing any other

information we may require, including all documentation that we request to assist in the claim,

for example invoices and receipts.

2. take all reasonable care to limit any loss.

3. not do anything either before or after a loss that limits, restricts or waives our legal rights

without our prior written permission. For example, the Insured Person must not enter into any

contract that limits, restricts, waives or otherwise impairs their right to recover from anyone

who may be liable to them for a loss that is otherwise covered by this insurance.

Our Rights During A Claim

1. We may, at our discretion:

• take full responsibility for conducting, defending or settling any claim in the Insured Persons’

names; and

• take any action we consider necessary to enforce the Insured Persons’ rights or our rights

under this insurance.

2. Where legally permitted under the law applying to this policy, we are entitled to request that

any loss incurred by the Insured Person that may be covered by this policy is requested from


• the Insured Person’s payment card issuer; or

• from any other existing insurance policy the Insured Person holds that may provide

cover for such loss.

If part payment for any loss incurred is received by the Insured Person from either their

payment card issuer or under any other existing insurance policy they hold, this policy will

apply in excess of that part payment.

If the Insured Person’s recovery claim from either their payment card issuer or any other

existing insurance policy they hold is unsuccessful, either in whole or in part, we will deal

with the claim in line with the terms, conditions, exclusions and limits under this policy.

Fraudulent Claims

If the Insured Person makes a fraudulent claim under this insurance:

(a) the claim will not be paid; and

(b) the Insured Person may need to return any sums paid to them in respect of the claim; and

(c) by notice to the Insured Person, this insurance may be treated as having been terminated with

effect from the time of the fraudulent act.

If this insurance is terminated under clause 1. (c) above:

(a) there will be no cover or potential cover in respect of a relevant event occurring after the

time of the fraudulent act. A relevant event is whatever gives rise to cover or may give rise to

cover under this insurance (such as the occurrence of a loss, the making of a claim, or the

notification of a potential claim); and

(b) all premiums paid will be retained.

This condition will only apply to the insured person(s) who made or attempted to make a fraudulent

claim under this insurance.


Liberty Mutual Insurance Europe SE aims to provide a high-quality service to all its customers. If

you feel dissatisfied or if you have any questions about your contract or the handling of a claim,

then in the first instance you should contact International Passenger Protection Ltd.

If you are still not satisfied with the service you have received and wish to make a complaint you

may do so in writing or verbally quoting the policy and/or claim number using the contact details


Compliance Officer

Liberty Mutual Insurance Europe SE

20 Fenchurch Street



Tel: +44 (0) 20 3758 0840

Email: complaints@libertyglobalgroup.com

or Compliance Officer

Liberty Mutual Insurance Europe SE

5-7 rue Léon Laval

L-3372 Leudelange

Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

Tel: +352 28 99 13 00

Email: complaints@libertyglobalgroup.com

If after making a complaint you are still not satisfied you may be entitled to refer the dispute to an

independent organisation. The Financial Ombudsman Service is a free and impartial service, who may

be contacted at:

Exchange Tower

Harbour Exchange


E14 9SR

Tel: 0800 023 4567

Website: www.financial-ombudsman.org.uk

To confirm whether you are eligible to ask the Financial Ombudsman Service to review the

complaint find out more at www.financial-ombudsman.org.uk

Alternatively, as Liberty Mutual Insurance Europe SE is a Luxembourg insurance company, all

insureds and policyholders are also entitled to refer the dispute to any of the following dispute

resolution bodies in Luxembourg:

Commissariat aux Assurances,

7, boulevard Joseph II

L-1840 Luxembourg

Tel: (+352) 22 69 11 - 1

Email: caa@caa.lu



Médiateur en Assurances


12, rue Erasme

L-1468 Luxembourg

Tel: (+352) 44 21 44 1

Email: mediateur@aca.lu



Service national du Médiateur de la consommation

6, rue du Palais de Justice

Luxembourg, 1841

Tel: (+352) 46 13 11

Email: info@mediateurconsommation.lu



Privacy Notice

How Liberty Specialty Markets Uses Your Personal Data

Liberty Specialty Markets takes the protection of your personal data seriously and is committed to

protecting your privacy. There are a number of different companies within our group. The specific

company within Liberty Specialty Markets which acts as the "data controller" of your personal data

will be the organisation providing the policy as set out in the documentation that is provided to you.

If you are unsure you can also contact us at any time by e-mailing us at

dataprotectionofficer@libertyglobalgroup.com or by post at Data Protection Officer, Liberty

Specialty Markets, 20 Fenchurch Street, London EC3M 3AW, UK. Where you provide us or your

agent or broker with details about other people, you must provide this notice to them.

In order for us to deliver our insurance services, deal with any claims or complaints that might arise

and prevent and detect fraud, we need to collect and process personal data. The type of personal

data that we collect will depend on our relationship with you: for example, as a policyholder, third

party claimant or witness to an incident. Your information will also be used for business and

management activities such as financial management and analysis. This may involve sharing your

information with, and obtaining information about you from, our group companies and third parties

such as brokers, credit reference agencies, reinsurers, claims handlers and loss adjusters,

professional advisors, our regulators or fraud prevention agencies. We also collect personal data

about our suppliers and business partners (such as brokers) for the purposes of business

management and relationship development.

Please see the full privacy notice available at www.libertyspecialtymarkets.com/privacy-cookies for

further information on how your personal data is used and the rights that you have in relation to the

personal data we hold about you. Please contact us using the details above if you wish to see the

privacy notice in hard copy.

Sanctions Suspension Notice

No benefit will be provided under this insurance to the extent of providing cover, payment of any

claim or the provision of any benefit where doing so would breach any sanction, prohibition or

restriction imposed by law or regulation. Such suspension shall continue until such time as the

insurer would no longer be exposed to any such sanction, prohibition, or restriction.

Financial Services Compensation Scheme

Liberty Mutual Insurance Europe SE UK Branch , as insurers under this policy, are covered by the

Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS). The Insured Person may be entitled to

compensation from FSCS if Liberty Mutual Insurance Europe SE UK Branch are unable to meet their

obligations to the Insured Person under this insurance.

If the Insured Person is entitled to compensation from FSCS, the level and extent of compensation

will depend on the nature of this insurance. Further information about FSCS is available on their

website: www.fscs.org.uk or the Insured Person can write to them at PO Box 300, Mitcheldean,

GL17 1DY.


No title, right or interest under this policy may be assigned, transferred, conveyed or otherwise

disposed of without our consent in writing. Any attempt to assign rights or interests without our

written consent is null and void.

IPP TOFI UK/1 PS 020724